About us
About US
Dharani Abacus enhances the children’s learning ability and enables them to do calculations mentally without any external tools like Calculator, paper, pen and abacus etc. Children’s will do calculation with accuracy and speed using their mental energy.
Dharani Abacus operates on 4 countries such as India, UAE, USA, and Australia. Dharani Abacus has transformed the lives of more than 10,000 children all over the world with its high results. Children will be improves on.
- Mental ability
- Memory
- Concentration
- Listening skills
- Imagination.
- Application on Academic
- mathematics
- Commitment on studies
- Overall Improvement on all subjects
Abacus Method of mental calculations is considered to be one of the fastest ways of calculations. Abacus tutorials which will help the students to learn quickly and effectively. Children improve on mental arithmetic speed calculations with accuracy improving memory & concentration power logical and Analytical thinking

Why Dharani Abacus ?
* It Improves concentration.
* Improves observation and listening Skills.
* Enhances Visualization and Imagination
* Memory strengthening as one of the Benefits of Abacus
* Amplify speed and accuracy
* Increases self-confidence
* Boosts creativity
* Strong Academic foundation
* Reduces stress
* Enhancer Analytical skills
Abacus education improves the skills of visualization (Photographic memory), it is used for all types of calculations such as additions, subtractions, divisions and multiplications Dharani Abacus removes the fear of mathematics by making the arithmetic calculations easier.
* Whole Brain development program.
* Greater mental capacity.
* Younger children easily learn numbers with fun
* Mathematical Skills lay a secure foundation for higher classes.

our mission

Our mission is to nurture the children of this world in bringing out the Great citizens in him/her, who are the hopes for the future world.
our vision

To be a leader in transforming lives through an innovative, rigorous, and compassionate approach to education.